This is the story of a teenage illegal migrant girl Ademoka who lives in Kazakhstan and is forced to be a beggar to survive. But at the same time she’s bright and talented and dreams of studying all the time. Her illegal status and absence of citizenship
Selkeu Uashev is a local police officer at Karatas village. He’s not a man of high morals and can hardly be called a role model as a policeman. He turns a deaf ear to lots of criminal offences and takes bribes.
Strong-willed and determined Ulbolsyn lives in the city. Her younger sister Azhar is going to graduate from school in the village of Karatas. Ulbolsyn has big plans for the future of her beloved sister – she saved enough money so that Azhar
Ex-con Kermek and his beloved Eva want to leave their crime-infested lives on the Kazakh steppes behind. He has a dream: building a movie theater in the mountains. Will Kermek's love of Alain Delon be strong enough to keep them out of the violent clutches of the mafia?